About The Book

Whom The Son Sets
Free is Free

“Whom The Son Sets Free Is Free” by Robert Kowalski is a powerful and poignant true story that delves into the harrowing challenges faced by a young man during his tumultuous childhood and adolescence. At its core, the book explores the journey of a resilient individual who not only confronted the abuse within his own home but also grappled with the harsh realities of an impoverished and toxic external environment.

About The Book

Whom The Son Sets
Free is Free

I never thought in a million years that I would sell over 13 million copies or end up in a clinic for mental health! Anxiety and emotional disorder had frozen my ability to focus on anything, much less direct my energies into writing a novel.

William J. Cole III was an attractive man athletically built, all about 5’9” – 5’10” with wavy curly hair, a light complexion, a manly mustache, and with masculine Scorpion demeanor. I don’t quite remember his calm voice, but his angry voice would penetrate the walls of the housing project apartment we lived in.

So, the house is warm and toasty. I guess. Traditionally Public Housing always had that stifling “Housing Project heat” we had all grown to know and love. We were grateful for it when the days were “Brick” outside or what I’d like to describe as “Bleeding Cold.”